What is Apache Kafka
Introduction To Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system and a robust queue that can handle a high volume of data and enables you to pass messages from one end-point to another
Kafka is suitable for both offline and online message consumption
Following are a few benefits of Kafka —
1. Reliability — Kafka is distributed, partitioned, replicated and fault tolerance.
2. Scalability — Kafka messaging system scales easily without down time…
3. Durability — Kafka uses Distributed commit log which means messages persists on disk as fast as possible, hence it is durable..
4. Performance — Kafka has high throughput for both publishing and subscribing messages. It maintains stable performance even many TB of messages are stored.
Messaging system:
A messaging system is responsible for transferring data from one application to another so that the applications can focus on data without worrying about data transmission and sharing.
There are two types of messaging patterns. The first one is a point-to-point and the other one is “publish–subscribe” (pub-sub) messaging system.
Point-to-point messaging:
Use point-to-point messaging when you want to ensure that a message is received by only one consumer application.
Publish-subscribe model:
A real-life example is Dish TV, which publishes different channels like sports, movies, music, etc., and anyone can subscribe to their own set of channels and get them whenever their subscribed channels are available
Terminologies :
- Producer
- Consumer
- Broker
- Cluster
- Topic
- Partitions
- Offset
- Consumer groups
Terminologies :
Apache Kafka Practical Approach
· Navigate to the url https://customer.cloudkarafka.com/login
and login with desired method
· Once login is successful, create a New team from top right menu
· Give the team name as desired
· Agree to Terms and conditions and click on Create Team button
· Now the team has been created.
· Create a new instance
· Give the name of your instance, select Region, click on Review
· Instance gets created.
· Download the connection details file and show all details
· Navigate to topics section, you will find one default topic.
· Now create some new topics like 4
· Now navigate to browser and try to produce and consume some messages
· Try to publish in all 4 topics
· Try with all data formats like Json, xml, plaintext
· Create another instance and try same thing