Robot Framework + Jenkins Integration
Installing the Jenkins CI-Server is pretty straightforward. Under Mac OS it comes with an installer that is working flawless. It is a typical setup that the Robot Framework is installed on the same server as the Jenkins. After the installation only a few steps are required before we can start to create the first job.
First of all we need to unlock the installation by providing the key from the file shown in the initial Jenkins screen. (As a default Jenkins is running on http://localhost:8080/.)
This is not primary a blog post on Jenkins itself, but installation of the suggested plugins makes a lot of sense as otherwise some really basic features are missing (like checking out files from GIT).
The following screenshot gives an idea on what is installed here.
That’s it! We are ready to create our first job executing Robot Framework test
Navigate to Configure System in Manage Jenkins and Enable Environment Variables under Global properties
Add the Python path under List of variables and also add the Python_scripts path as well and Click on Apply & Save
Jenkins Job Configuration
- Click New Item, Enter your job Name and Select Freestyle Project Type
3. Add a description to your project
4. Configure git to pull your automation code repository
5. Configure build trigger as per your requirement
6. Configure how the build environment should be set up before the build
7. Configure to execute Robot test scripts via Execute Windows batch commands
Set Path=%Python_Home%;%Path%
RunFramework.bat (bat file name with [Project Root] location)exit 0
8. Finally, configure robot framework test result analysis for executed tests, Use Robot Framework Plugin as Post Build Action
Click the Advanced button to get Advanced configuration view
Execute Tests
Now you can execute your tests via above created Jenkins job by triggering a build, Now if everything successful